Logo & Branding

Branding defines you. Developing a cohesive visual brand identity should directly speak to your audience and how you want to be perceived by that audience. Visual psychology and cues within your font, imagery, typography, color palette, logo, and choice of word variations tell a visitor exactly how to feel about your brand. Asking yourself what you want to communicate about yourself, and what you offer the public, is at the crux and foundation of every good business plan.

That concept then must translate not only to your graphics, but to all aspects and platforms of marketing- including social media, the world wide web, and standard stationery. Above all it should speak, visually, through and across, all language and cultural barriers as best as possible. Developing a cohesive visual brand identity and concept is no easy task. It should be dynamic and ready to evolve with demand.

Listening to your audience is what defines a brand and can often change from the vision we set off to achieve in the very beginning. Most importantly, the goals need to be as clear as possible and avoid any confusion for your customer. 

Whether by symbol, or by logo type, the aim is to think about how they work together and apart to evoke the same feeling, emotion, or mood to the target audience regardless of how they appear- whether it be reassurance, comfort, or confidence in your product or service.